Safe, Effective Treatment for Poison Oak or Poison Ivy
Dr. Kreisberg has been treating Poison Oak and Poison Ivy rashes since 1989. He has successfully treated several thousand cases with outstanding results. Using homeopathic treatment, not only does itching and eruptions improve but you will become less reactive to poison oak in general.
His book Homeoapthic Treatment of Poison Oak, has sold over 1000 copies and continues to be the standard text in the field..
Dr. Kreisberg wrote a book on the treating poison oak and Ivy
Homeopathic Treatment of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak – Joel Kreisberg, DC,
Spiral Bound 52 pgs
$20 plus $7 shipping and handling in the United States
The most effective guide for the treatment of poison ivy and poison oak with homeopathy. Well organized and easy to read, this comprehensive book includes history, treatment methodology, case taking chart, materia medica, mircrorepertories, and cured case histories. This book has proved to be a boon in helping relieve this irritating rash!
Bill Gray, MD
Articles Available:
The Treatment of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak: Two Cases
Homeopathic Treatment of Poison Oak
Treating Poison Oak with Homeopathy: Five Case Studies